House Cleaning Tips For The Summer

Summer is fast approaching and we know what this means for most of us. School is over, the sun is scorching hot, the beach is inviting and a vacation to somewhere tropical may be in the works. For others though this means more mess in the house to clean up. Think about children playing and running all around the house, summer treats melting on to your floor, dust and grass dirt from kids and other guests coming in and out of the house – the list just goes on.
So, here are few summer house cleaning tips that can help you get the most out of the summer:
Clean patio or front porch
The patio is where most of the people, mainly kids, gather before they go out into the yard to play. You would expect grass, dust, dirt to accumulate in the area. Have a broom ready so anyone can sweep anytime there’s a need to.
Clean your patio furniture too to get them ready for frequent use in the summer. Your clan might be out in the porch during this time for the needed air and sun. You can spray soap and water solution or an all-purpose cleaner then wipe them down for that fresh and clean feel.
Air out curtains, draperies and other window treatments
There’s nothing like a gentle breeze and the sun to make your curtains feel and smell fresh. Summer is the season to do that exactly. The air and sun act as natural deodorizing agents.
You could also throw them in the washer first and instead of putting them in the dryer, you can hang them out to dry under the sun. You have to be careful though in putting them under the scorching sun for a very long time as it can cause damage to the material.
Keep a window open
Keeping windows open during summer time can help fresh air to circulate in your home and blow away harmful chemicals and scent. Air quality thus is improved. This can also afford you savings since you don’t need to keep you’re A/C running all the time. The bathroom too will need an open window especially when you shower. This will lessen humidity in the bathroom which is a breeding environment for molds and mildew.
Others fear opening their windows during summer time as it may also allow bugs and pests to come into the home. But if you have installed a protective screen then opening the windows will be a good option since you can let fresh air in but keep out the bugs. If you haven’t installed one yet, wouldn’t it be a good decision if you do? But if you are not a fan of open windows then a dehumidifier can control the humidity levels in your home.
Repare for summer stains
Summer stains include ice cream, grass, dirt, condiments, paint, juices, sweat and others that suggest summer. To prepare, you need to sort your clothes by the usual whites and colored but sort separately those with summer stains in them. They need to be pre-treated to remove the stains.
Leave your washer door open when not in use
Just imagine the humid weather in the summer. Then, think of the areas in your home that are already humid even in the other seasons – you got that right! The washer or the room where your washer is among the area in your home that is most humid. These areas tend to be the perfect place for molds and mildew to grow. To lower the humidity level of your washing area, you can leave open the door of your washer to dry it out.
Wash trash bins with bleach and water
Still talking about humidity and the heat that the summer season brings, they can stimulate the growth of bacteria. This can cause unpleasant odors especially in the kitchen and more particularly our trash bins. There is that chance too that the humid air can trap these odors in the kitchen. Airing your kitchen by opening a window may help. But, it will be more helpful if you wash your bins with bleach and water after you take out your trash during trash day. A temporary fix too would be to sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of your bins so the unpleasant smell can be absorbed until the next trash day.
Check Air Conditioning Unit
The hot and humid summer will make you want to turn your air conditioning unit all the time. Check your unit especially the air filters to ensure that it will be running efficiently. If there is a need to change the air filters, then do so. This will allow your A/C to cool your homes efficiently and save on energy cost.
Impose a No-shoes rule inside the home
You wouldn’t want your kids and your guests to be tracking dirt from outside your homes. You would be expecting grass stains, dust and dirt. Put a floor mat at the door of your entry and let no shoes come beyond that point. You can even install a shoe rack or cabinet near the door to keep outdoor shoes in there. This too may be a rule that you can impose all-season
Freshen the air with essential oils
The constant use of your air conditioning units can dry the air inside your home. While opening the windows can help dispel unpleasant smell, it will not do you harm to add a whiff of fresh scent. You can diffuse essential oils in a diffuser which can help add moisture to the air while amplifying your senses and experience of the scents. You can look up among the many essential oils for the kind of experience you want for your family or your guests. Floral and citrus scents can help add a summer vibe in the home. Lavender is said to provide rest and relaxation. There are many other essential oils that you can choose from.
Dust regularly
Dust also accompanies summer air. So as you open your windows to let fresh air in expect dust to come along. It would be best to dust more often to prevent allergies so you can truly enjoy summer.
Summer Should Be Fun
With the cleaning tips above, we hope that you will get to enjoy the summer without the hassle of cleaning and lots of elbow grease. Summer house cleaning shouldn’t be too much of a challenge. After all, it’s a season to be enjoyed by the whole family and cleaning shouldn’t get in the way. The sun is out and so should you!