10 Essential Cleaning Items Every Home Must Have

What does make a house, a home? Some may say, it’s the people living in it, or some may say it’s the furniture, or the feeling of being relaxed and comfortable. This may be true to others but one thing’s for sure: a clean house is a good home. Maintenance and housekeeping is an essential duty that we all must undertake, however it can be overwhelming especially if you don’t have the right tools for the job.
In maintaining your house, it is important to have a set of cleaning agents and tools that is easily accessible, organized, and environment friendly so that you can have your house cleaning sessions as satisfying as it can be. May it be some light dusting or intense floor scrubbing; here are 10 cleaning items every home must have:
Cleaning cloths and Microfiber cloths
Your home cleaning kit won’t be complete without these little amazing wonders. You can use cleaning cloths on basically everything! You can use it to wipe dirt and stains off your dining table, walls, windows, and your car and even your LED TV (Just make sure it is dry!). Do you know what the best part is? You don’t even have to buy it. You can use your old clothes and make it as your generic cleaning cloth and you are good to go.
Microfiber cloths are a bit different and a little bit pricey. However, it is designed to clean effortlessly. Because of its microfibers, it can easily pick up dust and dirt from different surfaces. It is also very effective in removing marks and grime in glasses and other reflective surfaces.
It is advisable to have two or more of these cloths to avoid spreading germs or you can always wash it after use.
Those old toothbrushes you’ve got there? Don’t throw them out just yet! Put them instead along with your trusty house cleaning tools and they will be as effective as before. The beauty of the toothbrush as a house cleaning tool is in its size. You can use it to brush small items or to take off dust and stain in very tight corners. You can also use it to take off stain on a concentrated and specific area and it is very effective in cleaning tiles in your sink and bathroom.
Sponge and scouring pad
A sponge can be used in many different ways especially if it goes with an abrasive scouring pad. You can use it in washing the dishes as it absorbs water and soap making it easier for you to wash off morsels of food. Scrubbing the tiles around your sink or removing stubborn stains in cooking pans, cleaning stove tops, are now easy to do with a sponge and scouring pad. Just remember to have a separate set for when you are washing the dishes.
Microfiber Duster
If you want to do some light dusting on your furniture and other home appliances, you can use a microfiber duster. It is a very efficient cleaning tool because the microfiber material of the duster actually lifts or picks dirt up and not push it around like other dusters do. as a trap to dust. It can reach small holes, corners and it is very effective in taking off those pesky cobwebs in your ceiling. Just attach a long pole to it and you will have a cobweb-free ceiling in no time.
It is advisable though to clean starting from the top to bottom of your house to avoid redundant cleaning.
All-Purpose Cleaner
This is the heart of your cleaning kit. Along with some of the tools that were mentioned above, you will have a powerful arsenal of germ killing and stain removing cleaning kit. As the name suggests, it can be used on any surfaces with very satisfying results. From bathrooms, to kitchen sink, from windows to small figurines, everything that comes into contact with it will surely be clean and shiny.
It comes as a spray version or a diluted concentrated solution. Either is best in making your house cleaning sessions stress free!
This item is one of the most essential tools that you should have in your cleaning kit and one of the most inexpensive too! It is very effective in cleaning windows most especially when paired with a soapy solution. Cleaning with the squeegee is also very satisfying to watch as you can see the changes in real time. It keeps your bathroom free from molds and brings out the shine in tiles and windows.
Cleaning brush
This is the big brother of the toothbrush. It is bigger and better and more suited for larger areas when cleaning. There are many different kinds of cleaning brushes that are suited for specific purposes and made out of different materials. For a tougher job, like cleaning rust and removing paint, you can use the steel wire brush but for removing stains especially in the bathroom, you can use the hard bristled brush.
Disinfectants are very important when it comes to the safety of your family. It prevents germs and bacteria that can cause illness from spreading thus making your home more relaxing and comfortable. You can use it especially on toilet seats, kitchen sinks and wherever you feel there is bacteria.
Having one in your cleaning kit can greatly save resources and practically save lives. With thousands of dollars spent in your healthcare each year, it may not be very hard to acquire one and have a chance to avoid having a trip to the emergency room.
Spray bottle
Don’t underestimate the power of spray bottles. This little warrior in your cleaning arsenal allows you to store cleaning products such as cleaning agents that you need to dilute with water, especially those that do not come in spray canisters/bottles. It’s easier to carry around as you go from room to room in cleaning your house. You can clean more efficiently with a simple “spray and wipe” motion.
Soap and Water
There will be times when some of the items listed above may not be available at the moment you need them. It shouldn’t hamper us from doing what we must do because soap and water are there to rescue your weekend house cleaning sessions. They are basically the grandparents of the disinfectants and all-purpose cleaners. You may have to put extra effort when using soap and water to clean things but nevertheless, it can still do the job quite well.
How about you? What are the essential cleaning tools in your house? Let us know in the comments below!