How to Tell if There’s a Mold Problem in Your Home

You might not think of mold in your home as a serious concern. It may just be as common as simple dirt or dust for you. Well, think again. If mold goes undetected and unresolved for the longest time, it could get harmful. You must remember that mold is a fungus with species that number to thousands. Yes, it is a common part of house dust but if they are present in very large quantities, they can cause problems to your house and to your health.
Another thing that you also have to remember is that molds are not always easily seen or detected. You would only know, when the mold problem is on its way to becoming out of control. So, you have to know the signs that will tell you if there’s a mold problem in your home.
The dangers that mold causes
Before going deep into the signs that will tell you about a possible mold problem, you also need to understand the dangers that mold infestation causes. In that way, you will not just dismiss or ignore it as a simple case of dirt but a real problem that needs to be resolved with urgency.
Mold can damage the structural integrity of your home. There are debates regarding this statement though. Some say mold cannot affect the structural integrity of your home. But while it is true that mold in itself cannot cause the damage, its presence is a telling sign of a deeper problem that may cause major damage to your building. Mold cannot survive without moisture. When mold is visible and in great quantities, that should tell you that there is excessive moisture in your home. This can be caused by water leaks in your pipes or your roof, no proper ventilation and high humidity. This could rot your walls or render them unstable. It can potentially be a structural risk if not addressed promptly.
Mold brings serious health risks. The World Health Organization and other allied agencies already issued health guidelines and statements about the dangers of being exposed to mold. Based on their research and studies, exposure to mold can cause the development of asthma and other respiratory diseases. The greater the mold grow in quantity and the longer that you are exposed to it, the more adverse effect there would be on your health.
So how can you tell if you have a mold problem in your home to resolve immediately?
Signs that tell you of a mold problem in your home
You don’t have to wait to see visible signs of mold before you get rid of it. As mentioned, they could already be in large quantities before you notice it. But knowing the other signs can help you detect it earlier and thus can take care of it immediately before even bigger problems can be encountered.
1. Getting flu-like symptoms when at home
If you feel that you have been dealing with a lingering cold for the longest time and cannot determine why, often you would relate it to stress. It could be caused by a lot of things and one of them could be a potential mold problem in your home.
Try to observe, do you only feel the flu when you get home? The best way to know if what you’re feeling has something to do with a problem at home is to stay away for a few days and see how you are feeling. When you come back feeling all well, see if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms again. If you are then the problem is your home. Have your home inspected immediately.
2. You are struggling to breath or develop respiratory issues
There could be other underlying conditions that can cause difficulty in breathing. But if you experience this only at home, then a mold problem should not be excluded in the list of why you are experiencing such things. A better thing to do would be to consult your doctor to rule out other issues. If your doctor says you do not have any disease or that you are not sick in any way, then maybe it’s time to call in the house experts to check if you have a mold problem.
3. Your floors feel soft when you step on them
This is true in wooden floors, there could be soft spots that you should be concerned about. If the floors feel soft then most probably, it is rotted with moisture. There could be mold growth present too. If this area is not addressed then you should expect moisture and the accompanying mold growth to spread. You can pull up that affected section of the floor, if you can. If the floor is still in a good condition with only a small amount of mold present, then a mold remover can do the job. If the wood is already rotten, then you need to change the whole flooring.
4. A musty or damp smell is noticeable
If the house smells musty then it can be an indication of a mold problem. But, the different species of molds also smell differently so it can be difficult to pinpoint. If you observe that the smell is not something that you usually smell and is unpleasant, then it calls for an immediate investigation.
5. Flooding in your home
You may want to check areas in your home that floods when it rains. The moisture level in those areas is certainly high and so, it can become a breeding ground for mold. Even if the flooding has taken place some time ago, it is best to check it regularly.
Don’t let mold build up
Mold infestation has been linked to several other health conditions. So, while it is still controllable, do something about it. You can clean it yourself but be armed with protective gears – gloves, goggles, mask and shoe cover.
Better yet, call the experts, have your home inspected and have them remove the mold. Don’t let mold build up overtime. You deserve to breathe inside your home.